“You know this idea of purity and you’re never compromised, and you’re always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly.
The world is messy, there are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. If I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the wrong verb or … then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself. because man, you see how woke I was?
I called you out. You know, that’s not, that’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change, you know.
If all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far. That’s easy to do.”
(Barack Obama takes on ‘woke’ call-out culture. Oct. 30, 2019)
On March 31, 2021 – Barack Obama was canceled as a possible name replacement for Thomas Jefferson Middle School (Thomas Jefferson being removed because he was a slave owner) This cancelation occurred because the Latino community argued that Obama polices on enforcing the law on the border and deporting illegals was itself racist.
Joss’s Back Pages / By Joss
On March 31, 2021 – Barack Obama was canceled as a possible name replacement for Thomas Jefferson Middle School (Thomas Jefferson being removed because he was a slave owner) This cancelation occurred because the Latino community argued that Obama polices on enforcing the law on the border and deporting illegals was itself racist.
Wokeness results in a feeling of being attacked when someone expresses an opinion that is contrary to your believes or makes you feel uncomfortable. Further, a wokester is the individual who gets easily outraged and professes a moral high ground over social justice issues.
This attitude is also expressed by the slang term ‘Snowflake’ which implies that this person(s) has an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.
Further, the ‘Snowflake Generation’ refers to – that like snowflakes, these people are delicate individuals and a slight increase in temperature will see them melt, often resulting in a high emotional response.
We have to get past the point of feeling ‘victimized’ when someone disagrees with us. If you want to have and treasure ideological freedom, you don’t scream at your adversary … you actually debate with the intent of figuring out what idea is better.
Dr. James Lindsay co-author of the book “Critical Cynical Theories” which is an intense review of how Activist Scholarship made everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and why this Harms Everybody – has come out with an essay addressing “The Values of a Post-Woke World.” Much of the following comments come from this wonderfully, thought provoking treatise. In it he states that “Wokeness” is increasingly understood as what it is and why it is a terrible inhuman and inhumane technology. People increasingly understand it to be a takeover ideology with profound roots in totalitarian, racist, and communist thought.
It is still far from a turnaround stage. We need look no further than The Walt Disney Company as reported by Newsweek on May 9, 2021 They are asking employees to complete a “white privilege checklist” and to pivot away from “white dominant culture”. This and more are featured in a Disney document called “Reimagine Tomorrow”.
Most people don’t realize the destructiveness of the Woke road we are currently on. The lack of a full appreciation of what has been accomplished and what we take for granted based on the Western civilization is one of the major reasons that the Critical Theory and Woke movement has taken a hold.
In order to enter a new era of flourishing and prosperity after this diabolical attempt to snuff out the light of Western civilization and human freedom, the following are the values that must be comprehended and asserted starting now.
Post-Woke Values
They are Truth, Beauty, Liberty and Merit.These are some of the most hopeful and joyous words of the English language. The thought that these words have almost lost their raison d’etre, makes this battle worthwhile.
TRUTH is the truth, and it is above all the first virtue and guiding light. It must be based on the relentless and uncompromising pursuit of objective truth. Your truth will not do; neither will my truth. The weight of evidence, power of reason, and process of what has been termed “liberal science” must bear on every claim upon the truth in an honest effort to keep what is of value there and discard that which is in error.
A world without BEAUTY is a dead world. A world filled with beauty that no one can appreciate is identically dead. Beauty cannot be systematically snuffed out because others who behold it deem it problematic. To dictate what is and what is not beautiful is to rob humanity of its humanity.
No society is worth inhabiting if it is not geared to secure the LIBERTY of its citizens. Liberty—the birthright of man—is therefore a necessary condition of any flourishing society and the chief object that any functioning state must secure for its citizens.
MERIT is the measure upon which a flourishing society is built. It is oriented on results and is the combination of talent and effort. Should one individual or a whole society put other interests ahead of getting results—ahead of merit—others will recognize this mistake and capitalize upon it.
Truth and beauty—what the faithful recognize as God—are bigger than any man and then all men, and we only err by attempting to assert ourselves over them, even in the pursuit of justice. All that places itself ahead of these will do evil, often under the delusion of good. Liberty is the promise granted to every man born into this world if he has any hope of living in a just society, so it precedes the machinations of other men who might seek to order the world according to their own narrow wishes. Merit is the foundation of just decision-making, so it cannot be ignored, supplanted or discounted if a just society is what we desire.
A broader expansion of these fundamental LIFE values will be done in the near future.
We should honor the version of the song My Back Pages that made it popular The Byrds – Following is the link to it on YouTube
Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth, “rip down all hate, ” I screamed Lies that life is black and white spoke from my skull, I dreamed Romantic facts of musketeers foundationed deep, somehow.
(2th verse – My Back Pages Lyrics by Bob Dylan (1964)